Balboa circuit board for the VS511SZ spa control pack. This circuit board has control features that are specific only to this one model board.
- Chip number VS511SZR2.
- Compatible replacement for chip P/N : NORVS511R1A, VS511SZRL(x) and VS511SR1(x)
- OEM part number 54385-03.
Compatible replacement option for the following part numbers:
- 59-138-1685,
- 33-0033A-K,
- 33-54385-K
It is very important that you do not order a circuit board based on looks, many Balboa circuit boards look alike but have different software and or chips on them that changes the functionality and features. It is the firmware on the chip that manages the circuit board and gives it its unique functions. To correctly identify a circuit board the chip number should be used to identify it.
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